Spring is here, the grass is well, mostly green, and the flowers are blooming. Some of the fruits of our curb appeal labor from fall are starting to pay off. Its been awhile since posting much about the house, but things are moving steadily in the background. Over the course of the winter we discovered a roof leak in the studio space still left to be finished. The roof leak halted all efforts interior wise for some long term reassessment of what we're going to do.
Long story short, we have decided to do some major work to the house consisting of having our entire roof redone, like ripped down to the joists,
insulate the entire roof cavity and put on a commercial grade level of roof that actually drains, I'm really tired of sweeping. We're also going to replace a bunch of glass with thermal glazing, redo the hardwood floors, and finish the studio . . finally. Previously we had left the house it was a Ben Dombar designed home, we have just confirmed our house is in fact a Abrom Dombar designed home, just gotta have my facts straight.
Onward to the house and spring photos. So, in the first photo you can notice the salt damage on the curb were there is no grass, yet beyond, the colors
of spring have started to contrast the grey color nicely, did I mention I love grey? We had planted over a 100 bulbs in the front long planter, many of which have come up and started to bloom. Our phlox is overflowing out of our gray planter just started blooming as well. The magnolia and cherry trees are already out of flowers.
This past weekend we got out our green thumbs and got to work on the small planter to the left of the front door. After moving the gray planter closer to the door, we have planted some blue hyacinths with some recycled iris, around our planter we've
planted impatients, which will grow and overflow way out the planting bed in about a month, they grow well in this spot. We still have yet to repair the grass damage done around pouring the concrete planters, but seed is in place.
Next up we are starting to look at what to do in the long landscape bed. We have established that all of the plants will be placed in a linear format along the open front up to the Magnolia tree and we want a huge mix of seasonal color. To start we have got some azaleas to anchor the middle of the bed. We are going to do phlox along the front of the planter all the way down in front of the tree, more on our progress soon.